Welcome to Holy Family National School

About Our School

Holy Family National School (R.N. 20592Q) is the newly amalgamated primary school in Askea, Carlow. In an exciting and historic change for Carlow Town it will combine the communities of two former schools Holy Family Boys' School (R.N. 19477J) and Holy Family Girls' School (R.N. 19478L). We look forward to opening in September 2025 and welcoming our first co-educational class of Junior Infant boys and girls. All other classes will remain as boys and girls only classes for the 2025/2026 school year. We will operate from a split campus spread across the two current school buildings. Máiréad Mullally has been appointed as Principal to the new school and Mary Kehoe has been appointed as Deputy Principal. Geralyn Costello is the Single Manager overseeing the amalgamation.

Message from the Principal

"At Holy Family National School, we strive to create a positive and engaging learning environment for all pupils. We are committed to providing a caring ethos in which understanding and mutual respect is fostered. Our dedicated staff works hard to enable students to reach their full potential."

- Principal: Máiréad Mullally

Contact Us

Address: Askea, Carlow, Ireland, R93 VX27

Email: info@askeaboys.com

Phone: +353 59 914 2772

Roll Number: 20592Q